Water is a basic necessity for life, unfortunately, in 2021 many people spend their entire day searching for clean drinking water and in some cases are unsuccessful and have to use contaminated water sources.
In the third world people spend a huge amount of time on a daily basis searching and collecting water, in some cases the water is contaminated, and most of the time women and children spend hours in a day to collect water. Children are not getting educated due to the time spent in search of water, and the only way to break the cycle of poverty is education, they are stuck in a vicious cycle.
Due to the water scarcity people are suffering from water borne diseases, according to the WHO
contaminated water can transmit diseases such diarrhea, cholera, dysentery, typhoid, and polio. Contaminated drinking water is estimated to cause 485 000 diarrheal deaths each year.
Water scarcity does not mean no available water, but it refers to the lack of water availability or its limited access. Since the last few decades rate of water consumption has been increased tremendously across the globe. People lack access to clean water for several reasons, drought, oppression, and a lack of infrastructure.

Standing at the 30th position among the most water-deficient countries of the world Pakistan is heading towards a major water crisis. Safe drinking water is one of Pakistan’s most immediate and crucial problems that demands immediate attention. In the deserts of Thar, accessing clean safe drinking water is one of the biggest challenges faced by the local communities.
In order to break the poverty cycle, Minhaj Welfare Foundation presents a sustainable solution by launching a “Water for All” appeal across the world.

Thanks to our global donors who make it possible to build fresh water facilities. We are building hand pumps and digging wells with the support of local communities. More than 15,000 water projects are directly benefitting 1,000,000 families from your contributions. MWF is working in poor regions and with vulnerable communities across the world to provide access to safe drinking water.
Support Water for All, Donate Today:
Ways to Give
Bank Name: United Bank Limited (UBL)
Account Name: Minhaj Welfare Foundation
Account No.: 0109 0002 7491 6074
Branch Code: UNIL
IBAN: PK69 UNIL 0109 0002 7491 6074
Swift Code (BIC): UNILPKKA
Bank Address: State Live Building 1 II Chundrigar Road, Karachi 74000, Pakistan
Bank Name:
Account Name: Minhaj Welfare Foundation
Account No.: 0293-0103666607
Branch Code:
Bank Address:State Live Building 1 II Chundrigar Road, Karachi 74000, Pakistan
Deposit Refference: Student Welfare
Special Instructions for depositors
For an official donation receipt please email an image of your deposit slip at info@welfare.org.pk or via whatsapp at +9242 351 544 88
To make a donation over the telephone, using a credit or debit card, please contact the MWF team on the following number:
(+92) (0) 42 3516 8365
Please make your cheque payable to MWF – remember to write your name and address on the back side of your cheque. Post your cheque to:
Minhaj Welfare Foundation
366 M Model Town
Lahore, Punjab